Mother’s Day & Critter Cage Crafts!

Many children love making gifts for their moms. May is a busy time, and with school crafts, church activities, and all the other spring distractions. It’s hard for parents to find time for a Mother's Day craft workshop. Plus, since the gift is for mom, she can't be there. What a challenge!

We didn't advertise our Mother's Day workshop much. Our spring workshops are normally held in the greenhouse, which we were in the middle of repairing after a bad winter storm, so we didn't have much time to plan. But when I heard that two of my favorite little customers wanted to come with their Grammy, I was excited to make it happen. After trying a few ideas and giving up on our first plan to make cute country crates with flowers, we decided on fridge magnets. Yes, I know you probably have lots of fridge magnets, but not like these!

One of the two variations of our Mother’s Day craft. The other was a mother bear with her cub.

Brian’s design was so cute. Since our farm is full of moms and babies in May, it made sense to make layered wooden pictures of mother animals and their babies.

The kids who came were only three and five, but they did a great job following directions. They carefully stained the wooden layers and patiently glued them together. While the varnish dried, they had a fun afternoon gathering carrots from the greenhouse and feeding the tops to the bunnies in their winter pen.

I was amazed when one of our wildest cows came up to the fence and let the five-year-old pet her nose! We often think about how kids love farm animals, but many farm animals love kids too! We hope to have more tame animals if we can.

Our next craft activity - a

Even though our Mother's Day workshop was smaller than we wanted, we were excited to move on to our next summer project. We designed a little wooden bug house that fits together with small tacks and wood glue. It's perfect for carrying ladybugs safely to the garden. If all goes well, we'll have an educational tour of the greenhouse, showing how a few ladybugs can fix a bad aphid problem. Our wild strawberries went from weak and spindly to full of green berries in just weeks.

We’re excited to help your kids get ready for nature walks in the park and your own backyards. When I see my husband's amazing woodworking, I feel sorry for the bugs I caught when I was a kid. They lived in jelly jars and cardboard boxes compared to this fancy little house. Bring your nature-loving kids to Rock Wall Garden. The bugs will thank you!

The Critter Cage Craft Kit

We will be having two Critter Cage Craft Workshops, one on Saturday, June 8th, at 9AM and another on Thursday, June 13th at 7 PM. We will finish the craft in a single workshop - which usually last between an hour and a half and two hours. Cost is $15 per craft, or $25 for two craft kits. To register email us at ​ and be sure to say which workshop you’ll be coming to, how many people you’ll be bringing, how many kits you would like, and whether each kit should be the butterfly, ladybug or praying mantis version. Our events are designed for families, so a parent and one or two children is about right in our experience, but contact us at if you have questions.

The location is:
The Greenhouse on Tripp Family Farm
(behind Valley Vet Clinic),
715 S 250 E,
Richmond UT 84333


Johnny Cakes on the Farm!